Similar sentiments have been expressed by equally fit and very sensible people whom I have known. I once had a boss who had enviable control on the starts and stops – so he would go for days without a cigarette, or would smoke a whole pack in a day if the mood called for it. Naturally, he felt he wasn’t addicted, and he was right.
While I was waiting to see my chest physician, there was another patient waiting along with me, a lady who looked to be in her late 30’s, and was obviously very fit – so fit that I found myself wondering what she was there for ! My doctor later told me that she was a very heavy smoker, whose tests always came up with good results; so, she invariably came up with the question, “Why should I quit, Doc ? It’s clearly not harming me !”
You do know, don’t you, that when you’re driving, the speed doesn’t significantly matter when it comes to an accident ? If it’s not your lucky day, you can get just as dead at 40 kmph, as you can at 100. Smoking’s a bit like that……the frequency and the number are just contributory factors – every bit of carcinogen each cigarette drops into your respiratory tract, simply clings on for dear life until it has enough brothers around to make up a party.
If you’re smoking, you should stop. Not because of sidestream smoke, global warming, the rest of the world and all that bunk – but because you owe it to yourself to give your body a chance to die of natural causes. And in the process, you set a great example.
Hey ! This may sound silly…..but it’s a fact that, once the decision’s made, the hard part is over ! You see, most smokers don’t quit because they don’t WANT to quit. So it’s more a case of WON’Tpower rather than WILLpower.
But once you’ve decided that “I don’t need this s**t”, you’ll be amazed at how easy it is, people.
I had always realized that the difficulty of quitting smoking lay primarily in the fact that it was ASSOCIATIVE.
Yes, smoking associates with almost everything you do. Your early morning wake-up high. The additional sugar in your tea. Your morning dump. Your strong reaction to the excesses of Sonia Gandhi / Sarah Palin / Che Guevara’s ghost. Your boss. The hot bod in the next cubicle who ignores your pheromonal signals. The celebratory drinks you have with ex-colleagues at the neighbourhood pub. Your Happy Hour favourite restaurant waiter. Your spouse’s “Not tonight, my dear, I have a headache” vibe…….and a whole host of other things.
So it’s actually childishly simple. Cut out the associations.
SHOULD THE TURKEY BE COLD ?Welcome to the debate !
It is one that smokers never tire of : The Great Theoretical Discussion – what’s the best way to quit smoking ? Over a 12-year period, I discovered that most arguments centre around these four permutations:
Cold Turkey – stop dead, just like that. No squawks allowed !
Hot Turkey: TRIAD (Tomorrow Really Is Another Day !) – keep deferring the next cigarette, until you actually stop.
Warm Turkey : TAS (The Accountants’ Solution) – the reducing balance method ! Smoke less today than you did yesterday. Revel in the power of ONE ! So you smoke one less per diem, and work your way down to zero. Feels like forever !!
Lukewarm Turkey: (Aka Lucky Ali) – I smoke what I want, when I want, where I want ! Good grief, I smoke barely 2-3 a day ! Quitting is not a problem ! (*Snicker* you think ? why, then, are you always smoking ??)
Hot Turkey: TRIAD (Tomorrow Really Is Another Day !) – keep deferring the next cigarette, until you actually stop.
Warm Turkey : TAS (The Accountants’ Solution) – the reducing balance method ! Smoke less today than you did yesterday. Revel in the power of ONE ! So you smoke one less per diem, and work your way down to zero. Feels like forever !!
Lukewarm Turkey: (Aka Lucky Ali) – I smoke what I want, when I want, where I want ! Good grief, I smoke barely 2-3 a day ! Quitting is not a problem ! (*Snicker* you think ? why, then, are you always smoking ??)
I’ve been privy to all the discussions, ladies and gents.
And believe me, the turkey HAS to be cold !
The only way you can give up smoking is by coming to a dead halt. NOTHING else will work.
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