Sunday, 8 July 2012

Salad : On Con Men

Starting today, I intend to put up a series of writings I churned out a quarter of a century ago. Those were indeed the salad days, so that seems to be the most appropriate name for this section of the blog.

This is an extract from some stuff I wrote in 1987 - it was called "Conatus - to Con or not to Con  "  

What makes a con man's "yes", "no" and "maybe" unique is that they are interchangeable.

A con man's soul is the mirror of his eyes.

Thanks to George Orwell, "Nineteen Eighty Four" was the International Year of the Con.

A con man's victim is torn, not frayed.

The only time you can afford to believe a con man is when he is asleep.

The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their cons.

The classic epitaph for the con artist: "Here Lies".

The only reason why conning can be described as an art is that it requires craft......

A con man learns from the mistakes of other con men.

A con man never asks a question unless he already knows the answer.

A con man does not let his left hand know what his left hand is doing.

A con man's motto is "Con With The Wind" - the trouble is, you can never tell which way he'll blow....

The beauty of the con job is that it is always successful - when all else fails, a con man will invariably con himself.

Thomas Edison and every con artist have one thing in common: inventions.

The word 'con', in practice, operates as noun plural - each major con incorporates a number of lesser cons.

Among humans, the perfect con can only be pulled off by women; among animals - by dogs !

If you're deaf, you can't be conned.......

When one con artist writes about another, what do you think is happening ?

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