Sunday, 8 July 2012

Preamble to this Blog

For you, the reader of this blog

Welcome ! I've been around for a while, but I started this blog only in July 2012. I wasn't feeling very original, so I had to take Lewis Carroll's help for the title....." The time has come, the Walrus said, to speak of many things, of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings, and why the sea is boiling hot, and whether pigs have wings..."

I really have no idea what to do with a blog, so I'll take the line of least resistance: I'll treat it like a sheet of paper, and I'll follow the advice of Epictetus: "If you wish to be a write, write."

This blog will showcase samples of the stuff I've written over the past thirty years; rest assured that I shall try and mix them with care, so that the resulting cocktails are palatable ! I've classified these writings into various buckets  - "Salad" is the group of writings relating to my salad days; "Tobackoff !" highlights my experiences with giving up smoking; "Wanderlust" is a travel blog with a difference; "Festiwitti" contains articles written on festive occasions, strictly tongue-in-cheek; "Book Post" is a series of very brief book reviews; and "Dressing" describes the real-life experiences of others, as narrated to me.

There aren't any rules for you, except that you might be entertained by an occasional visit. And on the way out, in case you're tempted to take something with you, do stop to consider that the writings are copyrighted, and many of the pictures are from my personal collection. It also helps that I work with a bunch of lawyers, so legal defence actually comes free :-)

Feel free to leave comments, but I hope you will keep them as polite as possible, since I can't PG-rate them selectively. If something you read irks you, do remember that Mark Twain suggested that you should count to four before you get angry......I'd like to add that before you finish counting, you could try another site !

Cheers and Happy Reading !

1 comment:

  1. Its better to start from the start than rather being clueless. =)
