Sunday, 2 October 2016

Take #34: Sully

Image result for Sully imagesIf you remember the front page news in the Indian press one January day in 2009, and you can recall your amazement and your wonder at how such a thing could come to pass, this is not a movie you will want to miss. The unprecedented water landing by a commercial airliner and the subsequent rapid evacuation and rescue of its passengers was "the best news that New York had heard in a long time - especially where airplanes were concerned".

Clint Eastwood's taut script and unerring directorial hand, and Tom Hanks' restrained portrayal of a skilled pilot wondering whether he had made a terrible mistake, make this a remarkable 96-minute telling of a 208-second flight and a 24-minute rescue. An absolute must for pilots, Clint Eastwood fans, Tom Hanks fans, Hudson River fans, and just about everybody else.

Although "Sully" is more like a documentary than a standard disaster film, it is still one of the best-made movies I have seen this year.

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