New Year ? Nothing New, Yaar !
3. Explore your latent talent
Sure, you have talent – almost everyone does. It’s just that you simply haven’t tried looking at it, because you think your metier lies elsewhere. Step out of yourself for a bit and take a good look. Do you write ? Now’s the time to start a column, lots of people will want to know what you know. Do you like teaching ? The country needs you. Do you play a musical instrument ? Upload a video on YouTube. DO something, don’t just let your talent lie there.
4. Do something socially meaningful
Support a cause. Financially “adopt” a child. Donate to a charity. Join the “Teach India” initiative. Lend your skills to an NGO on an honorary basis. Do something that will make a difference. Merely because you wish to do it. Merely because you can. And see how good it makes you feel.
5. Rekindle the spark
Benjamin Disraeli once said that “it destroys one's nerves to be amiable every day to the same human being”. All equations between people tend to get frayed with time, either because of inadequate nurturing or for any other reason. Likewise, it’s possible that your relationship with your partner has been taking a beating in the recent past. Treat each point of discord, each misunderstanding, each argument as a log of wood – pile the lot together and set fire to it. Bask in the warmth and use it to rekindle the spark between you. It’s never too late, but it does need one person to take that step.
6. Pamper yourself
Tired of doing things just because they’re expected of you ? Of slaving yourself half to death meeting people’s expectations, whether at work, at play, or at home ? It’s a part of life, believe me – we ALL do it. So keep it in suspended animation for a while. Focus on the things you would like to do to make YOU happy. An expensive spa treatment. A trip to London. A Bose stereo system. A week of lying back in your armchair and going through a pile of twenty books. Think of the five things you’ve denied yourself for the past five years, and gift them all to yourself this year.
7. Test your will
A bad habit hasn’t been born yet, that can’t be kicked. If you have one, try getting rid of it NOW. Not as a New Year Resolution (that will ensure that you never do it !), but just to show yourself that you can, and you always could, but just chose not to, all this time.
The list is endless. If you decide to try this out, make sure you share your experiences in the comment box below !
And in conclusion, here's a final thought....
Nothing new ? Is that
so ? No, you're wrong. 2013 is a year that deserves special treatment.
Why, do you ask ?
Why, do you ask ?
Simply because, for a while
there, the Mayans had us making like the Gauls, and believing that the sky
might just possibly fall on our heads in 2012. And that obviously didn’t happen, so it’s time to
celebrate; to make 2013 a landmark year. By doing something (or possibly, many
things) differently….or by doing different things.
To start with, let’s get the date right, huh ? Let’s not spend the first week of 2013 writing the date as xx/ 01/2012 and then saying “Oh, crap !” and scoring it out.
And then, take a look at which ones among this list of possibilities is yours to explore:

1. Make a bucket list
The movie may have made this activity famous, but it’s been around for a while before that. You’ll be surprised how path-breaking and how liberating this activity can be. Sit down and make a list of the 10 (or 20, or 50) things you’d like to do, or the places you’d like to see, or the people you’d like to meet, before you kick the bucket. Make the list as extravagant as you like, taking care to ensure that each item on it is achievable , given the right focus. This will give a new fillip to your efforts, a new strength to the path you’re already taking.
2. Tell your boss to go fly a kite
To start with, let’s get the date right, huh ? Let’s not spend the first week of 2013 writing the date as xx/ 01/2012 and then saying “Oh, crap !” and scoring it out.
And then, take a look at which ones among this list of possibilities is yours to explore:
1. Make a bucket list
The movie may have made this activity famous, but it’s been around for a while before that. You’ll be surprised how path-breaking and how liberating this activity can be. Sit down and make a list of the 10 (or 20, or 50) things you’d like to do, or the places you’d like to see, or the people you’d like to meet, before you kick the bucket. Make the list as extravagant as you like, taking care to ensure that each item on it is achievable , given the right focus. This will give a new fillip to your efforts, a new strength to the path you’re already taking.
2. Tell your boss to go fly a kite
Seriously. Once in a while, you need to have a little chat with him or her
that isn’t linked to a performance appraisal. In all probability, there’s a lot
you need to say. So flesh it out in your mind, and then just go say it. Check
out how liberated you feel at the end of it.
3. Explore your latent talent
Sure, you have talent – almost everyone does. It’s just that you simply haven’t tried looking at it, because you think your metier lies elsewhere. Step out of yourself for a bit and take a good look. Do you write ? Now’s the time to start a column, lots of people will want to know what you know. Do you like teaching ? The country needs you. Do you play a musical instrument ? Upload a video on YouTube. DO something, don’t just let your talent lie there.
4. Do something socially meaningful
Support a cause. Financially “adopt” a child. Donate to a charity. Join the “Teach India” initiative. Lend your skills to an NGO on an honorary basis. Do something that will make a difference. Merely because you wish to do it. Merely because you can. And see how good it makes you feel.
5. Rekindle the spark
Benjamin Disraeli once said that “it destroys one's nerves to be amiable every day to the same human being”. All equations between people tend to get frayed with time, either because of inadequate nurturing or for any other reason. Likewise, it’s possible that your relationship with your partner has been taking a beating in the recent past. Treat each point of discord, each misunderstanding, each argument as a log of wood – pile the lot together and set fire to it. Bask in the warmth and use it to rekindle the spark between you. It’s never too late, but it does need one person to take that step.
6. Pamper yourself
Tired of doing things just because they’re expected of you ? Of slaving yourself half to death meeting people’s expectations, whether at work, at play, or at home ? It’s a part of life, believe me – we ALL do it. So keep it in suspended animation for a while. Focus on the things you would like to do to make YOU happy. An expensive spa treatment. A trip to London. A Bose stereo system. A week of lying back in your armchair and going through a pile of twenty books. Think of the five things you’ve denied yourself for the past five years, and gift them all to yourself this year.
7. Test your will
A bad habit hasn’t been born yet, that can’t be kicked. If you have one, try getting rid of it NOW. Not as a New Year Resolution (that will ensure that you never do it !), but just to show yourself that you can, and you always could, but just chose not to, all this time.
The list is endless. If you decide to try this out, make sure you share your experiences in the comment box below !
And in conclusion, here's a final thought....
Hello, dear readers and
Pause and reflect, as another year ends
Whether you've done all you said you would
Whether everything that's happened has been good
Whether the stumbling blocks have given you food
for thought;
and if not,
whether in fact they should !
In 2013, it does behoove
all of us to greatly improve
on our resolutions of the previous year;
on the time we spend with near and dear;
on our efforts towards a good career;
and on the route that we must follow
to reach the end of the rainbow.
In the mad rush to achieve our ends
We'd do well to remember, friends,
that - although it's always great to gain
nothing's greater than being humane !
Pause and reflect, as another year ends
Whether you've done all you said you would
Whether everything that's happened has been good
Whether the stumbling blocks have given you food
for thought;
and if not,
whether in fact they should !
In 2013, it does behoove
all of us to greatly improve
on our resolutions of the previous year;
on the time we spend with near and dear;
on our efforts towards a good career;
and on the route that we must follow
to reach the end of the rainbow.
In the mad rush to achieve our ends
We'd do well to remember, friends,
that - although it's always great to gain
nothing's greater than being humane !
All the very best to
you, readers – here’s hoping your 2013 scintillates !! Happy New Year !
May a reader have the audacity to suggest that Sunando Gee explore HIS latent talent and write HEAPS more? There's a lot he knows his readers want to know! Great stuff- keep it coming!
ReplyDeleteWhy, thank you ! When it's put like that, how can I refuse ?