Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Salad # 10 : Condescension

Yes, I decided to call it "Salad" instead....."From My Salad Days" i way, way too long. I'll probably update all the pages, too.

Here, then, is another one of those outbursts against a certain category of people whom I seemed to find almost everywhere.

Condescension (1985)

Know this: that there are those in this world who would make you feel as though they are conferring a sultanate upon you, every time they speak;

Know this: that they are frauds, and that their supercilious attitude is but a moth-eaten pathetic cloak for their own abject insecurity;

Know this: that they live within the confines of a nebulous nimbus that is exclusively their own, and know nought of the world below;

Know this: that they mean to demean you; and that they will succeed, if you are not forearmed.


He who does not scorn to descend, will invariably descend to con.

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