Friday, 10 August 2012

Salad # 5 : Hurt

HURT (1985)

I've never been able to draw, but that never stopped me from trying ! Take this representation, for instance. I called it "hurt", and couldn't write about it without drawing it first. The result was very basic, almost childish - but I found it minimalist, and I liked it; which is why it appears on this page today !

The wall. It's YOU. It's the foundation of your existence, and stands for everything you hold true. It is, in fact, everything you stand for.

The tomahawk. A verbal or behavioural wound that some callous soul inflicts upon you. Your hurt gushes free, deep and red.

The legs. Has the rest of you slipped behind the wall ? Not likely - the wall IS you, and you can't slip behind yourself. Or can you ?

You are disembodied. Disoriented. The pain is too much to bear.

The camera. Your audience. There is always a person - sometimes more than one - to watch you at your nadir, to see you sinking into yourself.

There is always a person to laugh.


  1. This is substantial. And you sure can draw.

    1. This is a personal glad you liked it
